If you think work-life balance is a fuzzy concept that won’t make much of an impact on your income, think again. Studies repeatedly show that professionals who can achieve their work and personal goals tend to earn more.

Here are five strategies worth trying:

  1. Write down your professional and personal goals. You can’t create a balance unless you know what you’re trying to achieve in each category.
  2. Use your calendar and task lists more often. Scheduling helps you organize and prioritize your day, week and month.
  3. Look for “hot spots” in your schedule. These are days where there is likely to be a conflict between work and personal demands. See what you can do to manage these days better.
  4. Give your work and personal life equal priority. Most professionals will sacrifice personal time for work, but that sends the wrong message to your brain. It quickly learns that when there’s a conflict, work wins.
  5. When you go through a stressful period where work and your personal life are not in balance, do a post-mortem. Ask yourself, “How can I prevent this from happening again?”

This week, try one of these strategies. See how it works for you.

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